Thursday, November 1, 2007

The November begins

Recently, I have tried very hard to read the Bible. I find that, basically, it respects the history. It makes us to believe there is God in this world. However, due to its truthfulness to the history, I would rather believe this is a natural happening.

God always asks us to wait. Mose loses his temper in the desert when God asks him to wait for the water. Samule, the God's messenger also wants Saul, the first king to wait. But Saul did not. The results are that those who do not want to wait will be suffered.

Wait is a difficult thing for humans to do. We do not want to wait for the bus, so we buy cars. We do not want to wait for the tasty food, so we eat junk food. Do not put these examples to the reason that we are in the modern world. It is the humans' natual.

I do not want to wait also. However, somethimes, you must believe in God. Wait will comfort you, will give you surprise.

Wait. I will become a philosopher.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My reflection

Hallo, everyone,
I get my assignment for the webquest.
There is only the website to be worried about. I have visited several classmates' website. Obviously, they spent more time than I did. However, I have come to realise the importance of the rationale. The website is existed for a reason, no matter how it looks.

I have thought hard to the idea that I should make it possible in my context in China. And sadly, I found that pedagogically, my website is not that reasonable.
I think I am absolutely not learning much from the CALL. It is a worthwhile research field, but I missed the chance to learn it well.

Then how to make a website, pedagogically sound? Do you guys have any thought about it?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My recent reflections

Dear all guys of 618, especially Maggie,
I really do not know what to write. I confused a lot. Our dearest Debra is very busy in Canada. I tried to make my assignment like an assignment. That is all I can do.

As Molly (2007) says why we create the hotpotato, the rationale, it is only because it is the assignment we have to finish. We do not know what they are for. It is really not much in it.

Chapelle (1998) has an article entitled Multimedia call: lessons to be learned from reseach on instructed SLA. He suggested 7 evaluation of the call activities in terms of SLA angle.
1. Is there evidence that learners attended to salient linguistic characteristics of the target language

2. Do learners choose to see the modifications of linguistic input?


3. Do learners produce "comprehensible output"?

4.Is there evidence

that learners notice errors in their output?

5. Do learners correct their linguistic output?

6. To what extent do the learners interact with the computer to engage in modified interaction focusing

on form and meaning?

7. Do learners work toward communication-oriented goals?

These criteria seems not included in my website. Then I find what i have designed is traditional learning. As Salomon, Perkin and Globerson (1991) states that traditional computer learning applications assess the effect of computer technologies on the leraner, where the learner has no input into the process.

Basically, my motivation of creating my website is to help students passing the exams and to learn something and can speak on the topic for 2 minutes or so. My teaching context is complicated which could be seen on my website. If you have gone through my rationale, you may undersdtand me.

Monday, October 15, 2007

My second reflection after Maggie's Comment

I did some readings on CALL. I found that it was still a new area to me even I have done cln 618.
As for this assignment, I only think that it is about designing the five kinds of the potatoes. I did it sucessfully. I did not register so my designing is a little poor.
My content is difficult to understand due to the poor rationale I have written, but I will keep on editing. Further, no one can really understand China; like me, I can never comprehend what is an Australian guy! Not because I was terribly hurt by a possible drug-user!
What else can I reflect? Let me see! Ah, yes, my attitude is bad to this unit. I keep looking at other students' action to their blog and the wiki. They did nothing very new. Therefore, as a techologically week guy, I have reasons to do nothing?? No. But, I simply do not know what to do.
I will always reflect on my website from now on.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

my first reflection

I created my website today. I am very excited. But I know it is not so good. Anyhow, I find computers are really good. I can create something that I have always dreamed of. This is just amazing.
To summarise, I have commanded the technology. I have no idea of how to make it siutable to my students in China.
In the following days I will work still harder to my rationale and some modification of this website.


I should be the happiest person in the world for just less than 30 days. But God wants to play with me. Our teacher Debra seems not responding...
All in all, I must finish all of my assignments and hand in them successfully. I will be fine.

Guys of 618, are you worried about this unit? Who can help Billo a bit?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Let's commence our final assignment

Hey, guys of 618. It seems we are not very active in this techonology class, why? Billo is bad in every aspects, but he is trying to learn. Will somebody be of help? Let's keep in touch with these blogs and wiki.
Best of all, let's do the assignment now. Then, we will raise the little flag which says finish TESOL.
Good luck for you all and me.
I will check others' blog and our wiki.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Third Workshop

Everyone is fine today. We will have a lot of things to do in our third workshop. I firmly believe we will prevail.
I will comment on other people's blog and I have already post my webquest in my blog my the wiki page.
Learning on the computor is cool.

Monday, September 10, 2007

about the computors

Dear my classmates,
I find computers are so good that it becomes a daily essential. Still greater is the internet which make communication so easy. Mywebquest can be seen at this link
And I think the second assignment is almost the same if we know hot potato?
wait for Debra to explain, I think we will learn a lot.
This course is very practical and useful. The teacher is very kind. This is the right unit that I have taken.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Prayer for the safety of my return to China

I had an accident on Saturday, which made me pessimistic again. I come to know and I always know that my home country is where I belong. I should do everthing in my power to make my country strong.
East and west, home is the best.
However, I am very happy here in QUT where everyone is friendly. I am almost at a loss. BUt I think, take some time to rest. Sometimes, you need it badly.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Assignments are dueing. It seems like the first semester when I failed almost all the first assignment. Am I that stupid? NO.

Today, I focused on my assigment. I guess I will get it through.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Hei, days, whole 70, I will be free tentatively.
Today, I almost finish the work now.
Good luck for me.
And maybe I can go to the wiki.
Oh, just forget

Monday, August 27, 2007

beginning to worry

Rongbin or Billo,
You have a lot of work to do, and all by yourself. Are you worried?

Remember, days will come, days will go. You will be fine.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

workshop 2

Today is Saturday. My workshop goes well. However, today I am not in a good condition. I always leave a bad impression to others. Well, maybe, that's me.

As to the point that blogs are for others to read, I think I do not agree. If I care about others in my own blog, I would not be a true me. The reason for me to have a blog is that this is part of my assignment.

I will work harder now, since I think i know the technology now.

My topic will probably be...well... I will decide soon when I command others' idea.

I really miss my family. My own.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tommorrow's workshop

Hai, it is getting very pressing now at QUT, lots of assignment 1 are due. I am worried . i find myself is not that technological, what can I do? Although i keep telling myself, you will be fine; that is not going to help any more.
That's the way life goes. problems and conquer the problem.
So I would say from the Gone with the wind, tomorrow is a new day. let's hurry to the workshop, and absorb Debra's knowledge!
Every night when I am unable to sleep, I would think of my small family. i do thank God.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I am pretty busy, but I am happy now with the life here in Brisbane. This is Monday now. I am successful with my blog now. I guess i will be fine with the webquest.

That No news from my wife is not good for me. But I will get in touch with them.

There is only 80 days left for me in here. I will be able to see my newly born baby. She and my wife must be happy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

My job to do tomorrow

I have to work on the weekends. Therefore, I will do the atomic learning on Monday.
Life in Brisbane is really not good. But I have a family to support, so I have to go.

Friday Night, week 4

I finnally have my blog now. But I made my teacher extremely unhappy, I think. It is my fault. I should really work now.
this is my, believe it or not, my third time.