I really do not know what to write. I confused a lot. Our dearest Debra is very busy in Canada. I tried to make my assignment like an assignment. That is all I can do.
As Molly (2007) says why we create the hotpotato, the rationale, it is only because it is the assignment we have to finish. We do not know what they are for. It is really not much in it.
Chapelle (1998) has an article entitled Multimedia call: lessons to be learned from reseach on instructed SLA. He suggested 7 evaluation of the call activities in terms of SLA angle.
1. Is there evidence that learners attended to salient linguistic characteristics of the target language
2. Do learners choose to see the modifications of linguistic input?
p3. Do learners produce "comprehensible output"?
4.Is there evidence
that learners notice errors in their output?
5. Do learners correct their linguistic output?
6. To what extent do the learners interact with the computer to engage in modified interaction focusing
on form and meaning?
7. Do learners work toward communication-oriented goals?
These criteria seems not included in my website. Then I find what i have designed is traditional learning. As Salomon, Perkin and Globerson (1991) states that traditional computer learning applications assess the effect of computer technologies on the leraner, where the learner has no input into the process.
Basically, my motivation of creating my website is to help students passing the exams and to learn something and can speak on the topic for 2 minutes or so. My teaching context is complicated which could be seen on my website. If you have gone through my rationale, you may undersdtand me.
Hi Billo
Thanks for posting so challenging questions on my blog.
I totally agree with you. I design the webquest and website only to finish the assignment. Don't pay more attention to think more about the purpose and how to incoroperate my product into theory.
I don't know how to write my rationale because I realise that my product doesn't work or fit in the CALL theory, the more I read, the more mistakes I find. I can't explain how to apply to the theory to practice. Anyway, I try my best to fihish this task.
Regarding your questions, here are some ideas.
Student or learners' role:
According to Sanford (2000), information literacy is a process of turning information into meaning, understanding, and new ideas. Three roles of students:
1. students require to understand the rationale behind using information as well as actually knowing the exactprocedures of conducting the information search.
2. Students need to ‘know-how’, and ‘know-why’.
3. being information literate would contribute towards personal fulfillment through the learning to learn principle.
Teachers' role:
1. Teachers should have a sound
understanding of the information process and give students opportunities to use a wide range
of information sources.
2. create a student-centred learning environment
for learning
3. provide motivating learning experiences for students
4.enhance meaningful learning to cater for individual learning differences
Hopes it helps!
Good Luck!
Thank you Billo for your comments, Probably you do not know about Oman. In Oman every school has more than one computer lab linked to these net, at homes most of the Omanis have the net, students learn computer literacy from year 1 in the schools.Any way thanks , I know you asked these questions because you have no idea of my own rationale. Anyway I will read the ideas again and make use of them. I will also try your website and give you comments.
Hi Billo,
About what to write for the rationale, I would like to share my ideas with you although I don't know if I am on the right tract. Fist, I explained the intended learners of my webiste and the learning context. Second, I describe the objectives of each activity and my pedagogical approach. Finally, I present how the principles of validity and reliability which I have learned from the CLN 616 (Language assessment) are applied in these activities.
I hope these ideas can give you some thoughts to write for your rationale.
Hi Billo,
I have visited your website, the overall impression it left me was that it is more academic than most websites designed by us. Female classmates like to use more animated pictures in their websites, but I found none in your website. All the colors of in your online activies are black and white. Although your students are college students, I think you still can make your online activites a little bit colourful. I think all the activities are well-designed and appropriate for your students. I am just wondering whether your students are interested in your website and all these online activities. Anyway, it is a good job. Congratulations!
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