Thursday, November 1, 2007

The November begins

Recently, I have tried very hard to read the Bible. I find that, basically, it respects the history. It makes us to believe there is God in this world. However, due to its truthfulness to the history, I would rather believe this is a natural happening.

God always asks us to wait. Mose loses his temper in the desert when God asks him to wait for the water. Samule, the God's messenger also wants Saul, the first king to wait. But Saul did not. The results are that those who do not want to wait will be suffered.

Wait is a difficult thing for humans to do. We do not want to wait for the bus, so we buy cars. We do not want to wait for the tasty food, so we eat junk food. Do not put these examples to the reason that we are in the modern world. It is the humans' natual.

I do not want to wait also. However, somethimes, you must believe in God. Wait will comfort you, will give you surprise.

Wait. I will become a philosopher.